June & July Radio Essays

DB54CCCA-5043-497F-B117-D69F138FBE13.jpegSummer on the Cape and Islands is our busiest time of the year. Now that we are past the solstice, I feel a little sad that each day is getting shorter. There are moments in the evening, around six or seven at night, when a wave hits me, a memory of winter darkness knocking me over. But for now it is still warm and brilliantly bright, and all my essays for WCAI the last month have been, too.

Here’s an essay I wrote and recorded about Nantucket’s landfill. 

I wrote and recorded this essay about reading on Islands in honor of the Nantucket Book Festival.

And most recently is this essay about watching the surfers on Cape Cod.

In other writing news, I’m working away on an essay collection about the disappearing places and ways of life on the Cape and Islands, and reading as much as I can.